Monday, 14 December 2015
Monday, 7 December 2015
Binary Oppositions
Blog Task- Binary Opposition
Binary opposition of this clip:
Rich and Poor
High class and low class
Dominant opposition
Binary opposition of this clip:
Rich and Poor
High class and low class
Dominant opposition
The obvious binary opposition that is shown from this clip
is immagrants. This is because both Rusell and Nigel constantly debated about how
immigrants are changing the economy hugely. Nigel Firag, member of the UKIP,
and a member of the audiences gave input on the idea that immigrants seem to be
taking up most of the jobs leaving the British unemployed. However, Rusell then
counter argued Nigels point and replied that most of the money is kept by the
government and they're not "expressing it around". Another Binary opposition that i have picked
out from this clip is high class and low class. Rusell stated that the high
class are getting richer and the low class are getting more inferior.
Friday, 4 December 2015
cover work
Representations and the media - exhibits how the way in which something is identified with can change the way we see it with things, for instance, pictures and engravings for used to run with them. With this said photographic specialists, news and picture editors can be implied as "guardians."
The how, who and why of representation - this looks at how the producers of things in the media frequently have impact in how accurately things are deciphered within it. Things like the longings of the expected vested party, class codes and proposed story all add to how a representation can keep running over.
'The Female Gaze: Rethinking Representation' article regards how in publicizing, women are routinely portrayed as straight, white 'little waist' models. This commanding exertion is a noteworthy separation to the genuine typical size (Western) women tend to be and this focuses the theory of Laura Mulvey, in which women are presented for the benefit of men. The film that has begun a level headed discussion on self-observation and female representation is 'The Perfect 14.' It purposes of interest the trade in the matter of how women are appeared in media only for the spectatorship of male viewers.
The how, who and why of representation - this looks at how the producers of things in the media frequently have impact in how accurately things are deciphered within it. Things like the longings of the expected vested party, class codes and proposed story all add to how a representation can keep running over.
'The Female Gaze: Rethinking Representation' article regards how in publicizing, women are routinely portrayed as straight, white 'little waist' models. This commanding exertion is a noteworthy separation to the genuine typical size (Western) women tend to be and this focuses the theory of Laura Mulvey, in which women are presented for the benefit of men. The film that has begun a level headed discussion on self-observation and female representation is 'The Perfect 14.' It purposes of interest the trade in the matter of how women are appeared in media only for the spectatorship of male viewers.
Monday, 16 November 2015
Dependancy Theory
Dependancy Theory
I predominately utilize the media for excitement purposes for instance online networking and video destinations, for example, YouTube. I additionally utilize the media to discover data about things I am occupied with, for example, football and worldwide news.
I beleive that we are subordinate to the media until we get depleted of utilizing that specific sort of media or if we have something else to do which isn't associated with the media, for exanple going to play sports.
I predominately utilize the media for excitement purposes for instance online networking and video destinations, for example, YouTube. I additionally utilize the media to discover data about things I am occupied with, for example, football and worldwide news.
I beleive that we are subordinate to the media until we get depleted of utilizing that specific sort of media or if we have something else to do which isn't associated with the media, for exanple going to play sports.
1) Media consumption audit
2) Reading an image: RBK advert analysis & own choice advert analysis
3) Institution: major media institution research and presentation
4) Institution: brand values
5) Institution: CoolBrands research
6) Narrative: narrative theory YouTube clip analysis
7) Audience: psychographics
8) Audience: audience theory blog tasks/questions
9) Audience: audience theory - dependency theory
10) Representation: clip analysis - dominant and alternative representations
12) Representation: Media Magazine articles and questions
13) Ideology: BBQ QT analysis and binary opposition
14) Ideology: Media Magazine reading
2) Reading an image: RBK advert analysis & own choice advert analysis
3) Institution: major media institution research and presentation
4) Institution: brand values
5) Institution: CoolBrands research
6) Narrative: narrative theory YouTube clip analysis
7) Audience: psychographics
8) Audience: audience theory blog tasks/questions
9) Audience: audience theory - dependency theory
10) Representation: clip analysis - dominant and alternative representations
12) Representation: Media Magazine articles and questions
13) Ideology: BBQ QT analysis and binary opposition
14) Ideology: Media Magazine reading
Apple is an organization that needs to be seen as sumptuous and as specialists in their field. As indicated by the 13 lines of offer Apple best fits into, glad families, rich way of life, fruitful professions, specialists and grandiosity. Why is Apple cool? Apple is seen to be cool as a result of the hey tech items they make. A case, is the macintosh which is a profoundly propelled PC which contains specs that customary PC don't have which makes Apple's items more popular and also helpful than contrasted with different items.
Nike is one of the biggest games attire shops on the planet which gives spotswear and footwear. The brand values for nike is that the buyers respect the symbols who wear nike, for example, Messi, Rooney and Alexis Sanchez .so subsequently they buy the things imagining that if these famous people wear this then I will perform like them.
I respect Sony in light of the fact that they have spearheaded gaming consoles, critical having PS2 sold a development of a 150 million units sold in 2011, and also an amazing 1.5 Billion diversion duplicates sold. I appreciate Sony on the grounds that I feel it needs to accomplish more with the enthusiastic bases of my loving.Sony's image qualities would effectively fall into the diversion division, as they are fundamentally known for their recreations comforts
Lastly,Youtube as it gives the world amusement and in addition training and different things. The most critical line of advance would be of fruitful professions as youtube has given a video sharing support of numerous individuals who need to engross or get messages crosswise over for instance "KSI" who is a flawless case of somebody who has ended up effective from posting recordings.
Apple is an organization that needs to be seen as sumptuous and as specialists in their field. As indicated by the 13 lines of offer Apple best fits into, glad families, rich way of life, fruitful professions, specialists and grandiosity. Why is Apple cool? Apple is seen to be cool as a result of the hey tech items they make. A case, is the macintosh which is a profoundly propelled PC which contains specs that customary PC don't have which makes Apple's items more popular and also helpful than contrasted with different items.
Nike is one of the biggest games attire shops on the planet which gives spotswear and footwear. The brand values for nike is that the buyers respect the symbols who wear nike, for example, Messi, Rooney and Alexis Sanchez .so subsequently they buy the things imagining that if these famous people wear this then I will perform like them.
I respect Sony in light of the fact that they have spearheaded gaming consoles, critical having PS2 sold a development of a 150 million units sold in 2011, and also an amazing 1.5 Billion diversion duplicates sold. I appreciate Sony on the grounds that I feel it needs to accomplish more with the enthusiastic bases of my loving.Sony's image qualities would effectively fall into the diversion division, as they are fundamentally known for their recreations comforts
Lastly,Youtube as it gives the world amusement and in addition training and different things. The most critical line of advance would be of fruitful professions as youtube has given a video sharing support of numerous individuals who need to engross or get messages crosswise over for instance "KSI" who is a flawless case of somebody who has ended up effective from posting recordings.
Clip: Taken 2 movie trailer
Throughout the movie 'Taken' there is an element of
stereotypical representation. The daughter ‘Maggie Grace’ acting as ‘Kim’ is
kidnapped by a group Albanians. They have been made to do illegal acts, which
has become common in many films in the 21st Century. In addition,
the element of stereotyping has become evident as the Hollywood actor ‘Liam
Neeson’ acted as ‘Bryan Millis’ is expected to do a series of violent acts,
supporting the action genre. Similar to many other action based films, men are witnessed
as being the heroes. It is very unlikely for a female to be portrayed as a
hero, as they are seen to being calm and gentle.
Likewise, females are represented as the
inferior gender. This is portrayed when KIMS
FRIEND is being kidnapped and has no strength to keep the Albanians away.
Furthermore, the representation of the kidnappers is one of deep relevance to
society. Due to the surplus of Eastern Europeans in America, the use of this
ethnicity creates awareness for the people living around the states. Moreover, the location in which the
kidnapping takes place is Paris, France. This ‘city of love’ is contradicted as
nothing but chaos occurs in the city. This representation of the city could
have been done in order to create assumptions amongst the audience.
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
shot list
shot list
Thursday, 5 November 2015
Audience: Psychographics
They work the typical 9-5 office occupations
Have both gone to state secondary schools and completed instruction up till the purpose of 18
Own cell phones, tablets and portable PCs inside of their family unit
Access sites, for example, Amazon and Tesco for purchasing purposes and Facebook and Twitter for online networking
The Sun and BBC News
Watch cleanser musical dramas, for example, EastEnders on BBC and ITV1 and documentaries on Channel 4
Can now and again get to these on get up to speed administrations, for example, BBC iPlayer and 4OD relying upon where they are, for example, drives back home on open transport
Extra time
May every so often take off for a couple drinks at their neighborhood bar
Regular the silver screens for the most recent discharged movies now and again
Go out for a supper at Nando's throughout the weekend
the two results I got was 'Survival and Control'. As I would see it, I concur with these one of the photographic gatherings which is "control" in light of the fact that control is about being effective and that is one of my points in life; to end up a fruitful individual. Nonetheless, I can't help contradicting the other gathering in light of the fact that survival is about the surrendered individuals, who are essentially the elderly individuals which I am not .
They work the typical 9-5 office occupations
Have both gone to state secondary schools and completed instruction up till the purpose of 18
Own cell phones, tablets and portable PCs inside of their family unit
Access sites, for example, Amazon and Tesco for purchasing purposes and Facebook and Twitter for online networking
The Sun and BBC News
Watch cleanser musical dramas, for example, EastEnders on BBC and ITV1 and documentaries on Channel 4
Can now and again get to these on get up to speed administrations, for example, BBC iPlayer and 4OD relying upon where they are, for example, drives back home on open transport
Extra time
May every so often take off for a couple drinks at their neighborhood bar
Regular the silver screens for the most recent discharged movies now and again
Go out for a supper at Nando's throughout the weekend
the two results I got was 'Survival and Control'. As I would see it, I concur with these one of the photographic gatherings which is "control" in light of the fact that control is about being effective and that is one of my points in life; to end up a fruitful individual. Nonetheless, I can't help contradicting the other gathering in light of the fact that survival is about the surrendered individuals, who are essentially the elderly individuals which I am not .
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
Media Awards Homework
The best two short A level films that i thought were the most unique and most intresting to watch were; the experiment and Clairevoyance. Firstly, i had thought that the experiment was really good this is due to their intresting cinematography. The film was perhaps the opening scene of a action and drama genre typed film, also the audience could easily understand the plot of the film. Alongside the great cinematography the film had a great screenplay, considering it won the award for best original screenplay. Furthermore, i thought that the my second choice, Clairevoyance, was good because it had great use of different sounds, hence why it got awarded best sound design film.
Within the clip of Experiment the beginning we as the audience were provided with a brief introduction to the film; which i found very unique and help because the film is only two to three minutes long so therefore we had a clear understanding of what is going on. Which was that the main protagonist was under attack and she was hunted down by criminals. The clip shows various of scenes where the main protagonist is running which perhaps indicates that her lives on the line and she has to run away.`There was use of sound bridge where the piano music continued on to the next scene. Furthermore; the was use of diegetic sound, which was the girl speaking on the background guiding the audience through the clip.
Within the clip of Clairevoyance we can see that the film starts of with a dialogue, a discussion about the party the she went. The sister of the main protagonist had insisted that they go through a dark alleyway to get home. Since then the main protagonist has been seeing things and illusions. For example; when he and two of his friends were standing near the hills he imagined their eye colours to be green and red rather black. In that scene there was use of dialogue again; where we as the audience with the support of the dialogue had realised that she passed away two years ago.
Friday, 16 October 2015
Narrative Pattern
Clip: Reservior Dogs
Action code:
Within this video we cans see the main antagonist dancing happily; whilst having two hostages badly hurt. The main action code within this clip is when he punches the man with a sharp weapon and then cuts the hostages ear off. Another action code is when he leaves the garage gets bucket of water and then throws it in the hostages face. Lastly, another action code is when the main protagonist is dancing. This shows contrapuntal sound as the music doesn't go with the scene of blood and violence.
Enigma code:
Within this scene of the Reservoir Dogs, there are various of enigma codes that could be brought up.why does he have them hostage?, why did he chop his ear off? what have they done to cause this?.
Character theory: Propp
The Villain:The man in white shirt dancing
The Donor: The car
The Princess: the hostages
The Hero: Central protagonist, saves the day and restores equilibrium
The False Hero: Rare character that appears to be good but is revealed to have been bad all along
The equilibrium is that 2 men are in trouble
The disequilibrium is that 2 men are held hostages, by the man in white with a knife.
the new equilibrium hasn't been made yet but mostly likely that that they get rescued.
Clip: Movie Dope
This is the movie trailer of Dope, which was released this year, 2015.
Action code- the action code within this trailer, is when a man is beaten up by a group men at the party. Another action code is the shooting in the party and then instantly after that polices come in and arrest the drug dealers.
Enigma code- why is he setting up a drugs website?, how did he get drugs and a pistol in his bag?, why is he helping the girl with her studies?
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
cool brands research
5 brands which i admire:
nike fit into many lines of appeal and their most dominant appeal is great quality. Nike is engaged in the design, development, manufacturing and worldwide marketing and sales of footwear. Nike is seen as being one the most effective brand in the world, also the world's largest suppliers of athletic shoes.
nike fit into many lines of appeal and their most dominant appeal is great quality. Nike is engaged in the design, development, manufacturing and worldwide marketing and sales of footwear. Nike is seen as being one the most effective brand in the world, also the world's largest suppliers of athletic shoes.
Monday, 12 October 2015
Within this poster we can see it’s
a Nike Corporation advert, due to logo and slogan on the right hand side of the
poster. We can interpret the posters subheading to the Nike, this because
Nike has been evolving in terms of profits and number of customers. nike is seen as being one the most successful sporting companies and so therefore can be seen like a bullet in a chamber.
the use of the colour gives the understanding that this man is dominant and very powerful. this idea is supported by him standing out the most in the poster, meaning he is the protagonist. the use of the central image give the viewers an insight to nike morals and expectation. furthermore, the central image is a disabled athelet trainig hard and this gives us the idea that nike is trying to say working hard can get you anywhere. this use of the central persuades as well as encourages people to work hard to achieve the goals.
the use of the colour gives the understanding that this man is dominant and very powerful. this idea is supported by him standing out the most in the poster, meaning he is the protagonist. the use of the central image give the viewers an insight to nike morals and expectation. furthermore, the central image is a disabled athelet trainig hard and this gives us the idea that nike is trying to say working hard can get you anywhere. this use of the central persuades as well as encourages people to work hard to achieve the goals.
Brand Values
Example 1: Disney World
The Disney World
brand is intuitive, as their newly employed creativity allows them to have a
great increase in profit. Disney comes across to customers as being pleasant
and friendly. Its brand values,; like most franchises, would be about quality,
pleasure and standard of living. Disney World fits into few Gillian Dyer’s;
lines of appeal: happy families- everyone wants to belong, because most
families go on holidays to Disney World to enjoy their time. Furthermore, a Line
of appeal which perhaps could fit with Disney World is Dreams and fantasy. This
is mainly because Disney is aimed at younger audiences.
Disney world is about creativity and guarantee that all
their customers leave contended.
Example 2: Beats Dre
Beats was first established in 2008 by Dr Dre. Beats
headquarters is in Culver City, California, U.S. Beats Dre brand is
instinctive, as they come up many intuitive ideas to promote their business.
Furthermore, they introduce new creations in order to make Beats to its best.
Disney comes across to customers as being clever and productive. Its brand
values; would be mainly the quality. This is because they want all their
customers to be engaged and like the Beats Dre technology. Beats has
effectively brought the energy, emotion and excitement to use of ear phones,
headsets and audios.
Beats focus on delivering intuitive technology in order to
Example 3: Sony Corporation
Sony, a multinational Japanese company, was first
established in 1946 in Tokyo, Japan. Sony was first created to focus on music
audio, head phones and ear phones. Sony possesses Sony Pictures/Music/Computer
Entertainment and Sony Mobile Communications. Sony has hugely been expanded due
to their employment of gaming consoles such as; PlayStation. PlayStation is now one the most bought
console and earns so much profit. Sony, like many other companies, tries to
ensure that their electronics are unique and better than others. Sony can be
seen as family lines of appeal, because families tend to play consoles together
and aimed at teenagers.
Sony focuses on introducing new electronics, in order to
make their electronics efficient.
Example 4: Nike Corporation
Nike, an American multinational corporation, was first
established in 1964 in America. Nike headquarters are in Washington. Nike is
engaged in the design, development, manufacturing and worldwide marketing and
sales of footwear. Nike is seen as being one the most effective brand in the
world, also the world's largest suppliers of athletic shoes. Nike provides the
best quality compared too many other sportswear competitors. Nike employs
nearly all Gillian Dyers lines of appeal. For example; happy families because
sports is mainly played by everyone and families tend to play together and have
Nike is most successful sportswear clothing company and they
provide quality.
Example 5: McDonalds
McDonalds was first established in 1940 at the United States
of America. McDonalds is seen as world's largest chain of hamburger fast food
restaurants. McDonalds encourages as well as pleases many families because McDonalds
provides amazing fast food and kids menus. McDonald is somewhere families would
go to celebrate or a place where people go after long work. McDonald ensures
that all customers are encouraged and they even provide toys for kids after buying
a happy meal deal. McDonald is seen as having the best quality compared to
other fast food competitors such as; KFC.
McDonalds focuses to provide the best fast food quality service.
Fast food
Institution feedback
- Video starter - usually works well but a little confusing
- Actually not needed because the memory starter is a great idea and really engages the class
- There is a little lack of planning/rehearsal - instructions aren't very clear but it is a good task
- Some of the class are more engaged in the task than others though the timing is done well
- Good to see a handout and I like the teaching of the historical details as they are given out
- Some nice teaching and the sheer size and power of News Corp is communicated well
- Brief mention of phone hacking but I'd have liked to see a lot more on this - it's THE big media story of the last 10 years
- We made sure that we were looking eye to eye with our audiences, ensured we made eye contacted; rather than read off a sheet looking down.
- Within our presentation we give detailed information and clear facts about our institution. This allowed the audience have a stronger understanding and learn something new about our institution.
- We give a really detailed handout of our institution, which involved statistical facts and history.For example; when it was established, when it was first broadcast. We also employed different companies which are owned by our institution.
- we should of gave more information about controversial phone hacking scandal
- we could of gave more information to the purpose of our Warner Brothers video
Monday, 21 September 2015
RBK poster analysis

RBK has utilized a poster of a very successful American rapper '50 Cent' in order to promote the business. They have employed 50 Cent in order to attract the customers. The use of the title I am what I am shows that 50 Cent is trustworthy as well as loyal to himself. This further illustrates the dreadful life he has perhaps experienced. From his quote we understand that 50 Cent has one chance to survive and used his advantages to become what he is today.
The use of different finger prints perhaps suggest that 50 cent has committed many different crimes, but he admits to his life of crime. The finger prints represent what he is as he say 'I am what I am'.The colour black is associated with power, evil and death. Therefore, from this poster we understand that 50 cent has perhaps come a poor background, however now he has overriding power. Considering the way he is dressed we can say that 50 cent comes from the hoods of America.
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