1) Type up any feedback or comments from your paper in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).
- You actually show you know the case studies pretty well BUT..
-..you don't answer the question. In fact, I still don't know which Q you answered: 5 or 6
- key words were: Q5- convergence Q6-narrative
- you don't use either word in your essay.
2) Did you succeed in meeting or exceeding your target grade in AS Media? If not, how many additional marks do you need across Section A and Section B to achieve your target grade?
-No, its evident that in my essays I know all the content but I struggle to apply it to the question. Also, i lack in having a strong structure, which flows through out.
3) Read through the mark scheme. Pay particular attention to pages 5-8 that has anticipated content for each of the questions in Section A. How many of these potential points did you make? Did you successfully answer the questions?
4) Which was your strongest question in Section A? Why did you do better in that particular question?
-I personally think my strongest question was question 1, which was : How is the camera work used in the trailer to show the excitement of playing ' Call Of Duty Ghost'?. In this question I utilized several media terminology to explain few points and make it flow. But the issue I had their was I drifted off and never based it all on what the question was asking.
5) Which was your weakest question in Section A? Again, try and identify why this happened. Did you misinterpret the question? Did you run out of time?
- My weakest question in this exam was perhaps the institution question, which was : How are the links with other brands and media products used in the trailer to promote ' Call Of Duty Ghosts' . This is because I had issues explaining the different brand identity it offers. At this moment I didn't really understand what brand identity really was.
6) Rewrite your answer for your weakest question in Section A. This should now be a detailed, three-paragraph 12-mark response.
Question: How are links with other brands and media products used in the trailer to promote ' Call of Duty Ghost?
Firstly, Call of Duty is a first person shooter game franchise. The series began on Microsoft Windows and expanded onto consoles and handheld. The developers of Call of Duty are Sledgehammer. The developers companies are shown at the end of the advert under the game title and the release date. This shows that 'Call of Duty' has contributed with Sledgehammer. This promotes the developers because the viewers would know they created it. For instance; more people would watch it, then people would buy the game and finally the developers would get more recognition and fame.
Monday, 9 May 2016
Monday, 21 March 2016
Independent Case study
Spectre Film Trailer:
1) The film name, Spectre, is also known as the twenty-forth James Bond film is directed by:
Sam Mendes. Notable stars include Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz, Léa Seydoux, Ben Whishaw, Naomie Harris, Dave Bautista, Andrew Scott, Monica Bellucci, Ralph Fiennes.
2) Spectre was released in 26 October 2015 in the UK, and 6 November 2015 in the US.
3) Spectre film genre is Action, Adventure and Thriller. However the dominant genre that we see is Action, which intrigues the audience.
Ill Manors e-media: website analysis
- What examples can you find of the Ill Manors brand on the Ill Manors website homepage screengrab above?
- How does the website encourage the audience to buy or interact with Ill Manors products?
- Look at Plan B's official website. How does it use social media in terms of content and design?
- Scroll back through the wall to look at posts from around the release date of Ill Manors. How does this statement on Ill Manors link to other texts we have studied as part of this case study? Do you agree with his claim that he "won't justify" the riots?
- Why do you think social media is overtaking official websites in terms of film promotion?
1. There are signs of the iLL Manors logo all over the page which are easily identifiable alongside the cast of the film on the right hand side. There is also the use of graffiti which is used on the wall and has the film iLL Manors tagged on the wall with the graffiti.
2. The website is promoting the film and telling the audience to purchase the film and also interact with them through the use of the social media website Twitter by using the hash-tag which says #ILLManors.
3. Plan B uses the use of videos on his website is, there is also the promotions of his twitter that is seen throughout the website and also uses Instagram on the website.
4. The article is over three years ago and Plan B doesn't justify the riots but understands that people are going to react back to this 'broken Britain' which has been referred to in previous articles and the cause of the riots which happened to start in Tottenham isn't justified but is a key factor in the reason that they starred.
5. I think social media is taking over than the websites for films as people are more inclined to be on social media on a daily basis. The audience will be able to interact on social media and the film websites promote their social media page which means it's easier for the audience to access the social media page rather than going onto the website.
2. The website is promoting the film and telling the audience to purchase the film and also interact with them through the use of the social media website Twitter by using the hash-tag which says #ILLManors.
3. Plan B uses the use of videos on his website is, there is also the promotions of his twitter that is seen throughout the website and also uses Instagram on the website.
4. The article is over three years ago and Plan B doesn't justify the riots but understands that people are going to react back to this 'broken Britain' which has been referred to in previous articles and the cause of the riots which happened to start in Tottenham isn't justified but is a key factor in the reason that they starred.
5. I think social media is taking over than the websites for films as people are more inclined to be on social media on a daily basis. The audience will be able to interact on social media and the film websites promote their social media page which means it's easier for the audience to access the social media page rather than going onto the website.
Friday, 11 March 2016
1) The British film industry: Media Factsheet questions
2) Institutional context of the British film industry: Factsheet questions
3) Ill Manors: film review
4) Ill Manors: trailer analysis
5) Ill Manors: music video
6) Ill Manors: TEDx lecture
7) Ill Manors: broadcast platform concluded
8) Ill Manors: print platform (newspaper interviews)
9) Ill Manors: print branding
10) Ill Manors: e-media Tag London campaign
11) Ill Manors: e-media social networking research
12) Ill Manors: official website analysis
13) A Field In England: reading, research and questions
14) Ill Manors & A Field In England: institution research
1. The magazine talks about how the film was released and why they used this specific way of releasing the film on more than one platform. It was done for promotional purposes and to generate as much profit as the film could make as it targeted a niche audience who would go out and spend the money on the film for cultural purposes.
3. The advantage of releasing the film on the same day on more than one platform is that people would be more inclined to be the first ones to buy the film on DVD as it could be a limited edition copy
4. The disadvantage of this is that people may not want to go out and spend the money on buying the film on DVD or even going to the cinema and watching it. As the film was also released on TV if it was on a channel such as BBC One which is available to everyone they would watch it on that rather than paying money.
5. The target audience for this film would be a niche mainly middle class audience , they are more likely to be this target audience due to the film being set in a historic setting. Also, the black and white theme which is used throughout the film would be more appealing to an older audience.
6. I think films in the future won't be released in this way as it was a good way for an Arthouse film to maximise profit this way but also had a lot of disadvantages. Hollywood films will be generating more money as the film would have been promoted more and for a longer time than Arthouse films
A Field In England: the appeal of arthouse film
1. One of the audience pleasures of watching an arthouse film is that it is different to your usual Hollywood film, there is a difference with the narrative of the film as a Hollywood film will always be predictable.
2. One struggle with arthouse films is that sometimes the films are in other languages and there are subtitles at the bottom of the screen which draws the audiences attention to the subtitles rather than the film itself meaning they miss what's happening in the film or what's been said.
Another struggle is that the arthouse theme doesn't fit in with Todorovs equilibrium theory which is there is a equilibrium, the equilibrium is then distrusted causing something to happen but at the end there is a new equilibrium which has been created.
3. Arthouse films are seen to be those who are elderly but also those who are of a middle class status. This is because of the films being in other languages or the fact that it requires more intelligence and more thinking in order to understand what is going on in the film and what exactly it's about.
4. I think that 'A Field In England' would appeal to a more elderly middle class audience as they respect more historical films. Also, the film being in black and white would discourage a younger audience as they want to see more modern films but also films that are in colour.
Monday, 7 March 2016
Institutional research
Ill Manors: Funding and production budget
- What was the estimated budget for Ill Manors?
- Where did the money come from? List the different organisations and companies that contributed funding to Ill Manors.
- How did the Ill Manors budget compare to a Hollywood blockbuster such as Skyfall?
1- £100,000
2- uk distribution company revolver entertainment distributed ill manors. it also had a filmaking arm, Gubnslinger, that helped produce ill manors as well as similar Urban films.
3. The budget for the film Skyfall is estimated to be around $200,000,000 which is a lot larger than the budget for the film iLL Manors when comparing both of these films together.
A Field In England: Funding and production budget
1. The estimated budget for the film A Field In England is around £316,000.
2. A Field In England received more money than iLL Manors did due to it having P&A support from the BFI.
3. Shifty is another film which is similar to the film iLL Manors, they are both based in run down urban areas and the common theme which seems to appear is drugs and violence. The main character of the film Shifty is also in iLL Manors. The main difference between both of these films is that with iLL Manors there is more of a individual and his life whereas with Shifty the film is to do with two friends and the storyline is based on both of them.
Film London and Microwave Film
1. Film London is a non profitable association which is supported by the national and regional government. It's aim is to support those who are making low budget films.
2. Microwave Films is there to help talented film makers who are staring to make a name for themselves and supporting them.
3. One film that is also funded by Microwave Films is Shifty, it is similar to the film iLL Manors as both films are drug related and the main character for the film Shifty also plays the leading role in iLL Manors. The main difference between the two films is that iLL Manors is more to do with the life of one main character whereas Shifty is a film based on two friends who take on an adventure which happens to have the involvement of drugs.
3. The budget for the film Skyfall is estimated to be around $200,000,000 which is a lot larger than the budget for the film iLL Manors when comparing both of these films together.
A Field In England: Funding and production budget
- What was the estimated budget for A Field In England?
- Why did A Field In England manage to secure a higher budget than Ill Manors?
- Where did the money come from?
1. The estimated budget for the film A Field In England is around £316,000.
2. A Field In England received more money than iLL Manors did due to it having P&A support from the BFI.
3. Shifty is another film which is similar to the film iLL Manors, they are both based in run down urban areas and the common theme which seems to appear is drugs and violence. The main character of the film Shifty is also in iLL Manors. The main difference between both of these films is that with iLL Manors there is more of a individual and his life whereas with Shifty the film is to do with two friends and the storyline is based on both of them.
Film London and Microwave Film
- What is Film London and why does it exist?
- What is the purpose of Microwave Film?
- Choose one film funded by Microwave film and explain how it compares to Ill Manors (similarities and differences)
1. Film London is a non profitable association which is supported by the national and regional government. It's aim is to support those who are making low budget films.
2. Microwave Films is there to help talented film makers who are staring to make a name for themselves and supporting them.
3. One film that is also funded by Microwave Films is Shifty, it is similar to the film iLL Manors as both films are drug related and the main character for the film Shifty also plays the leading role in iLL Manors. The main difference between the two films is that iLL Manors is more to do with the life of one main character whereas Shifty is a film based on two friends who take on an adventure which happens to have the involvement of drugs.
Thursday, 3 March 2016
Facebook page
1.29,882 like in total on Facebook.
2. At the top of the Facebook page their is a copy of the film that is being promoted due to the 15th anniversary of Revolver entertainment.
This appeals to the audience as the film has been nominated for two awards one being the album and one being the film itself. This appeals both to those who have watched the film but are also fans of Plan B's music, this appeals to a wider audience as it targets Plan B's core target audience and the target audience for the film.

1.29,882 like in total on Facebook.
2. At the top of the Facebook page their is a copy of the film that is being promoted due to the 15th anniversary of Revolver entertainment.

The taregt audience that liked both the film and the soundtrack of iLL Manors would be the main target audience for the film Offender, it would be under the same category and could possibly have the same impact that the film iLL Manors has. It promotes the film by talking about the trailer, the soundtrack, the actors and the director.

This will target mainly those were into the soundtrack of the film as well as the film itself, they would be those who are Plan B's core target audience before the film came out itself and are into the music that he makes. The target audience would be into the hip-hop rap genre and are likely to be fans of other rappers who have taken on the style of rap Plan B has seen to produce over the years.

This would appeal to the Plan B target audience as those who are of a younger age who are into acting would be able to take up on this opportunity. The target audience would be those who are inspired by films and want something to do with them and also Plan B is there to help out these children and this is an opportunity for them to get involved and change their life.
4. There is cross promotion between the soundtrack of the film that has been identified in the music magazine and also the soundtrack of the film which has left a link for the audience to watch it.
There is also promotion between the film and the soundtrack of the film which is seen with the awards that the film could win at the BRITS which one of them is for the film and the other is for the soundtrack.
There is cross promotion between the film and the Johnathan Ross that Plan B was at to talk about his film. The show he attended was made after the film had been made for him to promote it on prime time TV for promotion so that more people can watch the film.
5. One of the competitions that you can enter can be to win a copy of the film, the audience finds a competition to be appealing and as a result they are more inclined to watch the film if they win.
There was also another one for those who have an interest for being in films or even helping direct, any sort of role to be able to make a film for those who are young and have a passion for it.
There is also a post asking if music can change things which allows people to interact with each other and get their view across. They are able to leave comments and discuss with one another their views.
6. There is a post which says people thoughts on iLL Manors track. This is repeated through the page so that people are able to talk about the soundtrack and as a result promote it and are able to listen to it.
There is also links to a YouTube page which has the songs and the soundtrack of the film on the Facebook page so for those who haven't gotten a chance to listen to the film or the soundtrack are able to do so.
8. They did this to promote the film through the Facebook page by putting up the trailer of the film so that people who visit the page are able to see the trailer of the film if haven't done so before. It tells us about the film and the release date of the film as well, it also promotes the book of the film.
Twitter feed
1. The twitter page shows the film and the soundtrack and promotes them both on the Twitter page, it keeps everyone up to date and gives the audience a chance to interact with the other members of the audience.
3. Josh Franceschi tweeted ''Watching iLL Manors with my mum. Explaining what 'fam' 'sket' 'wasteman' etc means before we start 'so she gets it'. This would appeal to a younger target audience as they would be able to understand what the words mean and could relate to this as their parents may also not understand what the words mean.
Ryan de la cruz tweeted "#ILLManors @iLLManors is out on DVD and Blu Ray also available online! #MustBuy #Support". This is targeting people who are into the hip hop rap genre that both Plan B and Ryan produce and promoting the film so that they are able to by the DVD.
BBC One radio also tweeted multiple times talking about Plan B and the film including the soundtrack, it will be promoting a wider audience for example those who are fans of BBC One, fans of Plan B's music and those who interested in watching the film.
4. Twitter uses links and pictures to promote the film, there are images of the actors of the film so they are recognizable to the audience, there are links which allow the audience to go onto YouTube so that they can watch the trailer of the film but also so that they can listen to the soundtrack of the film.
Ill Manors on Instagram
1. Instagram promotes the film by showing videos and pictures of the film which are reposted so that they can promote the film. There would be pictures of Plan B and posters of the film which are able to be seen.
This promotes the film after the release so that people who have watched the film or haven't can go to the shops and buy the film. This would be promotion for buying the film after being released in the cinema.
This image would be promoting the soundtrack of the film so that those who are interested in the film and are interested in the film are able to see that they can purchase the album of the film.
This poster would be promoting the film so that people can watch it, this is effective as it shows the ratings of the film so that those who want an opinion of the film from someone of a high status so they can make an informed decision of deciding to watch the film or not.
3. #IllManors
The reason these are important is so that the audience are able to interact with the rest of the people are get their views across.

There is cross promotion between the film and the soundtrack, the image was put on their Instagram to promote both the film and the music video of the film.
This is on their page so that they can promote the soundtrack of the film yet the soundtrack also has ill manors on the bottom left so people can identify the film from the soundtrack or the soundtrack from the film which cross promote each other.
YouTube - planbuk channel
1. It helps promote the film as it shows the soundtrack that has been used in the film so when people listen to the songs that appear in the film they are more likely to go and watch the film.
2. There is cross promotion between YouTube and Twitter, they both show the trailer and the music videos which are from the soundtrack. Twitter uses links to promote the songs on YouTube from their iLL Manors page.
3. There are links to other social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter and Soundcloud.
Monday, 29 February 2016
- How was A Field In England’s release different to typical film releases?
- What are the advantages to releasing the film across all platforms on the same day?
- What are the disadvantages to this approach?
- What target audience would A Field In England be aimed at? Demographics and Psychographics.
- Do you think all films in future will be released across all platforms simultaneously in future?
A Field In England
Brief- Amid the Civil War in 17th-century England, a group of deserters flee from battle through an overgrown field. Captured by an alchemist, the men are forced to help him search to find a hidden treasure that he believes is buried in the field.
A Field In England
This movie followed a unusual way to promote as well as introduce the film. All films use Cinema Screens to release their films. A field in England
Monday, 22 February 2016
Tag London is a campaign which allows people to share their opinions on their views of particular films, for instance ' ILL MANORS'. Fans leave tweets on Tag London.
Tag London tends to mainly use Social Media to promote the film. This is way people can share film trailer and film posters.
1. The key features of this poster are the title of the film, the central image which is usually the main character so that the audience can identify who it is so that they can promote the film if they're known by the core target audience. Date of the film so that the audience know when the film is going to be released, reviews for the film that people have given to the film which will also help promote the film as the successes of the critics will influence a lot of people to watch the film.
2. One design feature that is used to identify the iLL Manors brand is the title of the film which is identifiable as it is in the centre of the poster and is the largest text on the poster. There is also the background of the poster which is seen to be in an urban area and the fish bowl effect that is used implies that there is no escape from their lifestyle which is one of the key features of the film as their lifestyle has been determined and they can't change it.
3. There is cross promotion between the film and the cd for the film as it says plan B and Ben Drew who are the same person and the film and DVD cross promote themselves.
1. One of the key conventions of the poster is the title of the film so that the audience can identify can notice what film it is, there is also the characters of the film that are seen so that the audience are more inclined to watch the film if they see a actor that they like and is also key as it tells the audience what the film is about.
2. One design feature that helps promote the film is the use of the characters that have been used on the front cover so that they can be seen to be apart of the iLL Manors urban environment. The urban area that is seen in the film is also the background of the film which shows both characters and the setting of the film which helps promote the film.
3. There is cross promotion again between the film and the soundtrack which is seen with plan B and Ben Drew who are the same person and also it says at the bottom of the poster where it says featuring a brand new soundtrack.

1. The poster has the main character on the poster and the title of the film, there is also the release date of the film so that the audience known when the film is coming out to watch it. There is also links to social media websites that are there so that the people can fine out information about the film before and after is comes out.
2. Again the main feature that is there to identify the iLL Manors brand is the background of the poster which has the setting of the urban area of London which the characters live in. This has been a repetitive theme through most of the posters that have been seen as it gives a more realistic impression of the film and the area where the people are living.
3. The synergy is within the characters themselves in this case the main character here as he has been in most of the posters wearing the same costume which is portrayed as being something a 'chav' would wear.
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