The cultural test is a test taken by all films in order to qualify as a Bristish Film. This test involves four different parts, which are; cultural context, contribution, hubs and practitioners.
In order to pass the film test, the film must get a minimum of 16 out of 31 points, so it can be classified as British film.
Attack the Block
Financing: Budget £8 million; box office $5.8 million
Cultural Test: Set in London = 4 points
Lead characters are British = 4 points
English dialogue = 6 points
British creativity/ diversity = 4 points
Cultural practitioners = 7
The King's Speech
Financing: Budget $15 million; box office $414.2 million
Cultural Test: Set in London = 4 points
Based on British subject matter = 4 points
English dialogue = 6 point
British creativity/ diversity = 4 points
Cultural Hubs = 2
Cultural practitioners = 7
27/31 ]
The Sweeney
Financing: Budget £3 million
Cultural Test: Set in London = 4 points
Lead characters are British = 4 points
Based on British subject matter = 4 points
English dialogue = 6 points
British creativity/ diversity = 4 points
Cultural Hubs = 2
Cultural practitioners = 7
Financing: Budget $150 - 200 million; box office $1. 109 billion
Cultural Test: Set in London = 4 points
Lead characters are British = 4 points
Film based on British subject matter = 4 points
English dialogue = 6 points
British heritage = 4 points
Cultural practitioners = 5 points
What is the fundamental issue for the British film industry?
The issues confronted by the British film industry is that all together for a film to be shown, producers need to yield their appropriation rights by offering their film to a conveyance organization. Once the film is sold, all cash that the film makes is lost and along these lines the film does not profit. The British film industry is frequently depicted as a 'house industry' as it is little scale.
What are three of the strengths of the British film industry?
- outstanding creative skills from directions
- involved in the production of a very financially successful and loyal franchise.
- real life
What are the two options for the future of the British film industry?
- co-productions with American studios
- make low budget films which are targeted at a British audience
In your opinion, which of these two options would best safeguard the future of the British film industry?
- I personally think a better option will be relying on a co-productions with American industry because they will have better experience and lead to a more succesfull films.
What are three of the strengths of the British film industry?
- Several important British Film studios, e.g. Pinewood studios
- Third biggest film industry in the world
What are the two options for the future of the British film industry?
- co productions with American companies as they don't have the finances
- To make low budget films targeted at a niche audience where the film-maker is able to retain all profits.
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